Explain the difference between vpxd and vpxa. HOSTD- This is the agent of ESX server, where VPXA pass the information to the HOSTD and hostd pass the information to ESXi server. When an ESXi host is added to the vCenter server vpxa agent gets initiated and talk to vpxd service which runs in VCSA. So vpxd talks to vpxa & vpxa to hostd, this is how vpxd (vCenter) talks to hostd via vpxa. I will explain the difference, If you didn't get it.
___vpxd is a service that runs on vCenter Server. It’s the main vCenter service, without it, vCenter server does not function.
___vpxa is a service that runs on ESXi hosts which are connected to vCenter Server. vpxa is the link between vpxd and hostd (which processes ESXi related tasks).
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